Monday, March 3, 2014

More Ways to Beat the GMO Game (twice-roasted Beauregard sweet potatoes)

Thanks for the big response on the last blog about GMOs.  Many of you agree with me, which suggests that I am making sense, at least on this topic.  There were however some folks who figured that since I had not decided finally and completely that GMOs are the worst thing ever thought of, I was beyond hope, worthless and really dumb to top it off.  I’ll give them the last one. 

What I do know is that while the jury is out on GMO, the best way to eat healthy is to avoid processed food and know your farmer.  In an earlier blog, I encouraged you to buy your apples by the bushel from Gary at Ray’s Greenhouse.  The apple season is winding down.  Last week, he still had some Fujis, but that’s about it for the year.  He did have some interesting small cabbages, perfectly fresh, ready for steaming and buttering or grinding up into Cole Slaw.  You could also slice the cabbage thinly and dress it with rice wine vinegar and sesame oil to make a nice salad to go under grilled chicken or squid grilled Korean style.  If anyone wants that recipe, let me know.

He also has the usual wide selection of yams and sweet potatoes.  The yams are the fatter, starchy ones.  They will be firm when cooked.  The sweet potatoes tend to be longer, thinner and have thicker skin.  A sweet potato’s skin will crisp up and the flesh will have more liquid than a yam cooked in a similar way.  Today’s recipe is a variation on old restaurant standard, twice-baked potatoes.  It is a simple preparation that will show off the best characteristics of the sweet potato.    

If you want to stay away from GMOs, shop carefully, avoid processed foods and buy what is seasonal at Ray’s Greenhouse or at one of the farms or farmer’s markets in your area.  Oh yeah, you should learn to cook and that’s where I can help.  Our class schedule goes up later this week.

Twice-Roasted Beauregard Sweet Potatoes (serves 6)

2# Beauregard sweet potatoes
3 tbs. peanut oil
4 tbs. unsalted butter
1/2 c. bread crumbs

Pre heat the oven to 400°F.  

Wash the sweet potatoes.

Coat them with the oil and roast the sweet potatoes for 45 minutes.  They will be cooked when a knife inserted into the sweet potato does not meet any resistance. 

Remove the sweet potatoes from the oven and allow them to cool on the counter for 20 minutes.  Slice them lengthwise.   

Butter the sweet potatoes, season with salt and pepper, 

 then top with bread crumbs.  Return to the oven and bake for 20 minutes, 

 until the crumbs brown.  Serve hot.

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